Loan consult and assistance

A terrible challenge for businesses, especially small and medium enterprises, is business capital. Many businesses find it difficult to access capital amid the State bank’s tightening credit. Besides, the greatest hindrances of small and medium organizations when accessing bank funding are complicated procedures and lack of collateral. SEACO offers consultancy services for loans from domestic and overseas banks and credit institutions in order to meet the essential need of partner companies. We assist partner firms in completing bank loan documents, business plans, and documents to verify their ability to repay, with the help of a team of financial specialists. Moreover, we are always pioneering in updating and introducing preferential lending policies for businesses, bringing a healthy approach to capital for businesses, especially small and medium enterprises.

Number of businesses implemented: 162 Enterprise


Information of banks - credit offers

Thông tin ngân hàng, các tổ chức tín dụng

SHB nhận khoản vay 120 triệu USD từ IFC

SHB và Tổ chức Tài chính Quốc tế (IFC) ký khoản vay đầu tiên trong gói vay 120 triệu USD từ nguồn vốn trực tiếp kỳ hạn 3 năm của IFC vào ngày 21/3. Khoản vay nhằm hỗ trợ Ngân hàng Sài Gòn – Hà Nội (SHB) phát triển danh mục cho vay doanh nghiệp […]

VALIDUS – Cung cấp dịch vụ tài chính cho các Doanh nghiệp vừa và nhỏ đang phát triển

Thúc đẩy phát triển cho Doanh nghiệp vừa và nhỏ tại Việt Nam Validus là một nền tảng cho vay tín chấp trực tuyến giữa Doanh nghiệp vừa và nhỏ và Nhà Đầu Tư được thiết kế giúp hạn chế những khó khăn về dòng vốn mà các doanh nghiệp vừa và nhỏ phải đối […]

General procedure requirements for loan

Legal profile

A business license or registration certificate
A tax registration certificate, and company policies

Business planh

Business plan in the format of the lending institution.

Financial record

The most recent six-month bank statements
Tax authorities’ financial statements
Report on an audit

Loan assurance forms

Real estate, machinery, and transportation methods…
Bills, purchase contract
A passbook and priceless paperwork

Transactional relationship and credit history

The company has a strong foundation in the trading relationship or credit history in the credit organization.

No past-due debt

The business has no past-due debt as of the required level of the regulated financial institution within the defined term.

Meet the requirements for a good credit rating

The company must pass the credit rating and scoring standards of banks, finance leasing firms, etc…

Loan Blog

Vietnam – India strengthen cooperation in the field of innovative startups

On November 12, 2022, the Vietnam – India Innovation Startup Forum was held at the National Economics University to promote market access and investment connection for innovative startups of the two countries. The event was held in a hybrid format, both online on the Zoom platform and with in-person locations in India and Vietnam. The […]